V - the story of: Pride < Love
Thursday, August 16, 2007

« Pride < Love »

"The thing that gets me a lot...and has been for the past few weeks...is the way people are so ready to disown other people...even if it's just a laugh. It's like, almost a pride thing, where they are too cool to be associated with that person...so for example, when you see someone you know, and as a laugh, say "Oh, I don't know you! Hahahaha!"

Conviction falls like a hammer. It craters wide and deep. It settles evenly as like lead dust. Conviction burrows deep into your already cracked heart, further down an existing one, or funneling a new way.

1. A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.

The speech presented at the top of this post is what Tomps said to me. How true are his words. It may be pedantic, but it leads to the problem within, where you don't even realise that you harbour this pride. Where you allow this to settle comfortably, nestling within your heart and letting it mar your good qualities JC bestowed upon you. Although the intention is just for laughs, I realise where Tomps was going with this conviction. Satan makes you think it's ok to joke like that, even though you're just having a laugh, you're immediately placing yourself above other people; you're "disowning your own friends" for the sake of reputation.

Well, JC threw his life away and poured out his blood and disfigured his body, so that we might know God. What right do I have to uphold my "dignity" and retain a "respectable" image for the sake of society, people's opinions and "street cred"?

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, tht it may benefit those who listen." - Ephesians 4:29

On another note, I saw the doctor today. I may have torn my knee ligament. Need to go back for a scan, to see the extent of the damage.

Sorry everyone for what I've done and said.


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