V - the story of: Light.
Friday, October 12, 2007

« Light. »

Sometimes...it's hard to go through life knowing that I'm saved. How am I saved?

Jesus found me. I didn't find Jesus. Jesus ran after me, when I ran away from Him. Ironic, right?

Yet, as sweet and pleasant the story is, so many people don't know of His saving Grace. Of why we "worship" and "adore" our "king". It's like...everyday, people are storing up this pain inside of them. The pain we all know too well...when you want to hide away, only to find another stash of hurt, guilt and shame from your past relationships, your past comments, your previous hate and anger...all the things that are like tailor made anchors, resting on your shoulders.

As time has passed, yes, Jesus lifts those anchors. As Nicola Li, a recent sister in Christ put it so simply, you feel "a lot lighter." Excercise not neccessary. No treadmill involved. Just faith and wanting to turn that new leaf. Yet how many people continue to run, in order to stand still...always being chased by the world. And everytime we run, everytime we think we're in complete isolation, where the only help possible available to us to either numb the pain or escape it for a short while...are drugs...sex...violence...indulgence in pleasures not holy to God...everytime we don't turn to God, it's like a stab in His heart. With a red hot iron rod...We run so far from Him. And when I mean "we", there's a whole WORLD out there, where not even a significant fraction of them know of Jesus's work on the cross.

So what can I possibly do? Me against the world. Me against Satan. There's so many people to tell, so much to explain...where do I start?

Well...to quote William Wilberson from Amazing Grace...he responds, when he is offered authority that could change the world, "I would change myself first, before I can change the world."

How true. How can we change anyone, if we ourselves are not fully changed to be like Jesus?

Let me encourage you, brothers and sisters. If you have a gift, do not look down on it, regardless of how BIG and AWESOME the world labels it, such as worship leading, guitar playing, acting or dancing. They are big ministries within the Christian world nowadays. Yes, they play big parts. But if your HEART is big...how much will you bless others? Just by pouring that coffee out...by giving them a little leaflet you made for them or a badge with their name on it, to show them they are part of your fellowship, whether it's youth group or church...laying out the chairs, even smiling and greeting them. Talking to them and showing them church isn't a place where people are devoured whole and smashed in with bibles...Let me tell you now. Preaching and worshipping are NOT the only ways to save people. God works through YOU (imagine the American Uncle Sam poster, but with God on it pointing at you and looking at you kindly). He will work through EVERYTHING you got. Bring your friends to youth group. Invite them to the fellowship you enjoy. Remember, it's GOD doing the work, not YOU on your own. Romans 8:31 says "If God is for us, who can be against you?"

If you went to yNEEC 2007, Capt1v8ed, then you will know what I mean when I say TRUST. But if you didn't, the name refers to 1 Corinthians 1:8 - "He will keep you strong til the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." That does mean that you will be a Holy Bruce Lee, smacking people with spiritual 1 inch punches and flying through the air, bringing people to Christ with your crazy Gospel skills. However, that can only happen...if you trust in God. Trust in Him, that He is working in your friends' lives, even if it's slowly. Don't think you need to be this awesome disciple who can just straight away bring people to Jesus at the click of your fingers...

Worshipping isn't picking up a guitar, smacking the drums or churning out these awesome melodies with your voice. John 4:23 - Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.

What this verse means, when Jesus said it to the Samaritan woman...was...that God isn't found in a building. He isn't JUST there when you are singing songs, or praying. God is everywhere...and we worship God, right? That verse means that we worship God everywhere...in Spirit and in Truth. The truth is found in the bible. The spirit will tell you how to act in the world, and not be PART of the world. Everything we do. Tidying up our house, saying thanks to your Mum for washing up, doing your homework neatly and on time, turning up to lessons on time, drinking coke instead of beer in the club, abstaining from drugs or smoking, keeping your eyes focused on God...by worshipping God with your BODY, you are pleasing God. And as you worship God more and more, seeking Him everyday and "knowing His will" by reading the bible and praying regularly...you will see changes in yourself. You will be "overflowing with thankfulness" for what Jesus did on that cross and for how great our God is.

Just by doing that, you will bring so many people to God. Trust me. Trust God.

No matter what your gift is. God always uses you much greater than you know...Just with your beautiful smile. Your tireless efforts behind the scenes, laying out and tidying up chairs. Organising events. Designing posters. Saying hello when new people walk in, or saying hello to the lonely people in school. Associating yourself with people no one likes. Serving out drinks and biscuits. Reading out the bible passage for that day. Tidying up. Doing homework on time. There are so many testimonies I can share with you...

There is one Angela Yau. She has a tutor. Her tutor's husband died a year ago. She was lonely and empty. Yet, with Angela ignorant of this, her tutor kept coming back, week after week willingly and anticipating it. Why? Because she enjoyed Angela's company. She enjoyed Angela's youthfulness, her smiles and giggles. She saw Jesus in Angela.

Tom Lau. He is an evangelist. He is not afraid to go up to people on buses, who he has never met and say "So. Jesus. Do you know Him?" But, what's the best thing about Tom...is how friendly and gentle he is. Just by being himself...people are drawn to him.

Steven Li. He brings his friends to 6:13 (MCCC's youth group). He just says "hey, come along to my youth group! It's well fun!" Through 6:13, his friends can see how Steven is the same as he is outside of 6:13. They are exposed to Jesus' love.

Don't look down on your gift. You are God's gift to the earth. You will go on to do so many amazing things. Show the world how much God loves them. If you were touched by this post...tell God how much you love Him.

Keep Chasing Him.


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